Summer Maker Events near Oakland

It is the time of year again, children attend their last day of school year and embarked on a summer of fun. Making can be part of their summer plans and we, Wonder Wondershop, highly encourage it.

To make it even easier for you, we created a list of free events near Oakland, CA where your child can make, build knowledge and have fun. (Click to download the Summer Events document.) Check back next week for Summer Events List 2 for more listings of events near the Bay Area. Till then, Remember:

Our world is what we make it

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Document design by Maria Esmeralda Renteria and Summer vector created by Freepik

About the Author


Maria Renteria, AmeriCorps VISTA 
Maria comes to us from the South Bay of Los Angeles. She has been a Maker since she can remember. She is excited to share this passion with Grass Valley Elementary students because she wants them to create their best memories of school through making like she did when she was little.